Make Mealtimes Fun - For Fussy Eaters

Hey parents! Here's an idea you might like to try. If your little one doesn't like to sit still at mealtimes, either in a baby high chair or in a dining chair, give this a go.

Make mealtimes happy, regular and social occasions. Try not to worry about spilled drinks or food on the floor. Eat together as a family and share the same foods (most foods can be adapted to babies over 9-12months with a good food processor or baby-led weaning style of feeding). Turn the TV off so your family members can talk to each other instead, having a chat or playing a game can keep kids distracted and eating without allowing them the chance to focus too much on what is on their plate.

If your child is rejecting specific foods, eg: Veggies, try serving them in an appealing way, for example in sushi, on pizza, as part of a snack plate, or within their favourite meals. Cut sandwiches into fun shapes or offer a rainbow plate- one green vegetable and one red or orange each day and you will be on the right track. Finally, when possible, look for opportunities for your child to share meals and snacks with other children – they might be more willing to try a food if other children are enjoying it too.

This snippet is from our “Parents Guide to Fussy Eating” by Nibble and Rest. If you would like a copy of it, please sign up at the contact us page on our website.

Thank you so much,

Mel 😊

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